I am over the moon to have added Personal Branding Sessions into the line up of photography services I offer! I love it so much that with every personal branding session I do I feel like I just won the lottery. Haha! I come home still vibrating with excitement! There's just this feeling of accomplishment that I didn't just take pictures. I actually helped another business in my own little way. Such a great feeling!
But ok, so what is Personal Branding Photography? It is a session to help elevate your your brand and your business! I help you from start to finish; from brainstorming on what images you need for your brand like the colors, locations, the outfits, what message you want to communicate to your clients through these photographs, how do they tie in with your services and your brand all the way to making all these ideas materialize in photographs. It is so much more than just headshots!
Here is a sample of my recent branding session and I am so in love! She's a mindset coach and not just an ordinary one. She specializes in helping athletes! How cool is that? Funny thing is, she is in Wyoming and coming to visit Utah so our initial consultation was through phone. Well, I didn't get to meet her until the day of the shoot because she wouldn't be in town until days before the shoot so we were phone/email/text pals for a while. Haha! She has never done personal branding before so I walked her through the process, asked her questions and even connected her with a local make up artist. End result, she was extremely happy with her images and according to her had a great time at the shoot. Well, I hoped so cause I had fun and laughed a lot throughout the session. It was an awesome day!